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Go on battle order

Friday, 07 April 2017
Read 3104 times

bulletin 110 grand

The recent meetings (STC and General Assembly) of the African Water Association (AfWA) held in Dar Es Salaam last May, were indicators regarding the vitality of our organization. The successful organization of these meetings by Dar Es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (DAWASA) and Dar Es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (DAWASCO) with the support of many sponsors, the strong mobilization of the participants and the support of the Tanzanian authorities are the perfect illustration of this vitality.

These encouraging signs clearly show that we are on the right track, and President Duduzile Myeni did not fail to raise it during the General Assembly meeting. Considering the extent of the challenges to be taken up, she exhorted the members to roll up their sleeves and tighten their elbows to keep our Association alive.


The ambitious programme of activities to be carried out for this year 2013 leads us to act with the frank and voluntary involvement of all our members. The key for the success of our Association lies in solidarity between the members and the mutualization of their experiences.

The confidence placed in our Association by our various partners should also be expressed among us so as to move towards the access to water and sanitation for all.

After thirty-three years of existence, our Association has achieved important progress in its mission regarding the access for all to water and sanitation. Today, the scale of the tasks to be achieved justifies that we should not sleep on our laurels. Now is the time to go on battle order to carry on and perpetuate the work of our pioneers.

So get ready in the starting block!
