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Join one of AfWA's Communities of practices

Saturday, 29 January 2022
Read 2864 times

As part of the implementation of phase 2 of the African Water Association (AfWA) key programs, i.e., AfWA capacity building program (AfriCap) and the program for Strengthening AfWA and Operators’ Capacity for the implementation of City-wide Inclusive Sanitation in Africa (SAO-CWIS), the creation and operationalization of communities of practice on the themes below is planned: - City-wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) 1st February  - Water quality (WQ) 3 February, - Non-Revenue Water (NRW) 7 february.

The Communities of Practice (CoPs) of these various programs (AfriCap and SAO-CWIS) are intended to be platforms for collaboration, coordination, and synergy between the members of AfWA networks specializing in thematic areas such as Water Quality (WQ), Non-Revenue Water (NRW) and City-wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS).

Kindly click on the link to join the meeting !


ID de réunion : 895 4831 9146

Code secret : QHSL7u
