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Young Professionals: the program coordinator in east Africa

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Read 1909 times

ACHIEVEMENTS The coordinator of the Young African Professionals Program for Water and Sanitation, Valentin Kouadio Yao, undertook a mission, from May 9th to 18th, 2015, in East Africa, to monitor and evaluate the levels of execution and quality of projects implemented under the small grants program initiated by AfWA, and funded by the USAID between $ 2,000- $10,000. He first visited Uganda from 9th to 14th May for site visits in Kampala and Gulu. Then, from May 14th to 18th in Nairobi, Kenya. In total, five projects on the reduction of non-revenue water, hygiene education and promotion of the environment, has been evaluated during this visit. This program aims to:

  • Set up in each country a national Young Professionals of Water and Sanitation Committee • Strengthen networks of Young Professionals across the continent
  • Empowering young professionals to actively participate in solving problems related to Non-Revenue Water and Sanitation
  • Create innovative, practical and sustainable solutions for the management of the Non-Revenue Water and Sanitation

The 13 WASH projects on public awareness to water and sanitation problems, and reducing Non-Revenue Water, were selected as part of the implementation of this program. The 13 recipients come from 9 countries namely: Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Rwanda, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon.

The project should extend over a period of 13 months. The coordinator of the program applauded young people's motivation and welcomed the involvement of the water companies in the conduct of some of these projects. All this in order to create a craze among young people for activities related to water and sanitation, to develop their leadership, and make them gain experience in the implementation of projects.
