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Social innovation defined

Thursday, 21 September 2017
Read 1542 times

In AfriAlliance, social innovation means tackling societal, water-related challenges arising from climate change by combining the technological and non-technological dimensions of innovation.

Social innovation refers to those processes and outcomes focussed on addressing societal goals, unsatisfied collective needs or societal - as opposed to mere economic – returns. It is particularly salient in the context of the complex and cross-cutting challenges that need to be addressed in the field of water and climate change - and which will not be met by relying on market signals alone.

Social innovation consists of new combinations or hybrids of existing and new products, processes and services. In order to succeed, social innovation needs to pay attention to technological as well as non-technological dimensions: 1) technology, 2) capacity development, 3) governance structures and 4) business road maps. As such, these four dimensions of the social innovation process cut across organisational, sectoral and disciplinary boundaries and imply new patterns of stakeholder involvement and learning.

AfriAlliance is currently preparing Social Innovation Factsheets to illustrate concrete social innovation opportunities in the field of water and climate.
