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Suez Environnement is preparing for the Nairobi Congress

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Read 2485 times

The Executive Vice-President for Africa of Suez Environnement, Jean Pierre Mass, who was in Abidjan, met the Executive Director and the Chairman of the Scientific and the Technical Council of AfWA, to discuss preparations for the next congress of AfWA to be held from 22nd to 26th February 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya, and take stock of 4 communications projects that Suez Environnement sent as a contribution on the theme of the congress which is: "Sustainable access to water and sanitation in Africa." Discussions have also revolved around the functioning of the bodies of the AfWA, including the work developed within the STC. AfWA‘s programs and projects, such as WOP, AQUAYA, Non-Revenue Water, were also on the agenda of discussions.

Jean Pierre Mass was satisfied with the dynamism in the functioning of the AfWA, and appreciated a lot all the current developments, which according to him, meet international standards.
