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High Level Panel:"Technological innovations to improve the performance and efficiency of water and sanitation operators in Africa."

Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Read 2035 times

From November 19 to 23, 2018, the 80th session of the Scientific and Technical Council of AfWA was held in Djibouti. About 120 delegates from all over Africa took part in this meeting on the theme "Technological innovations for improving the performance and efficiency of water and sanitation operators in Africa".

After the opening ceremony earlier in the morning, the afternoon was devoted to various conferences, including the high-level panel. Five panelists briefed delegates and all participants on the theme of the meeting.

Thus, Mr. Pierre M. TERRIER, Managing Director of VALTERRA INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, presented his solution called WATA SANITATION SYSTEM that enables private and public operators to ensure the unloading and treatment of waste materials in urban and rural areas under optimal environmental impact conditions. A center was inaugurated in Djibouti, on the fringes of the STC meeting.

Following this, Mr. Cyrille LEMOINE - Managing Director - VEOLIA- NEROXIS, presented the KAPTA technology for the monitoring and securing of drinking water networks and SWARM for the supervision and monitoring of freshwater resources.

Mr. Benoit POINSOT - Managing Director of SOC, a subsidiary of the NGE group, a specialist in the water cycle and the French leader in vacuum sanitation, shared his experience of more than 40 years in the processes that collect, treat, transport and distribute drinking water; then collect, treat and return wastewater to the natural environment, with the least impact on the environment.

Mr. Mohamed Fouad Abdo – Managing Director of DJIBOUTI Water and Sanitation Corporation (ONEAD) recalled the mission of ONEAD, which is to implement the necessary means for the production and distribution of water in the agglomeration of Djibouti and in the urban centers of the interior regions. The Office operates and maintains drinking water infrastructure, ensures water quality and protects resources. ONEAD has taken up the challenge of water availability, the specter of thirst being overcome with the implementation of the Ethiopia-Djibouti drinking water supply project and the launch of the desalination project, the resource has now become sufficient to support development projects. Sanitation is not to be outdone and has competed remarkably well with drinking water this year, he said.

Following the Managing Director of ONEAD, Mr Olivier GOSSO - Production Manager of SODECI (COTE D'IVOIRE) showed how technological innovations have been used by SODECI to meet the ever-increasing demands of subscribers, improve customer relations and the company's operational and financial performance, meet the growing changes in the production tool and workforce, inspire the confidence of donors and development partners, strengthen skills and professionalism and Corporate Social Responsibility. Today, SODECI is one of the main public services in Africa and recognized by professionals in the water sector worldwide. It is the first private public utility in Africa to be certified AFAQ ISO 9001.

The presentation by Mr. EDNICK MSWELI - Water and Sanitation Project Manager of eTHEKWINI Durban in South Africa, focused on eThekwini Water and Sanitation, a unit of the Municipality of Durban, responsible for providing water and sanitation services to all customers in the municipality. The unit is constantly looking for new and innovative ways to provide better services to its customers and has been recognized with numerous Awards and Distinctions.
